Cornerstone Family Resource Center is a volunteer driven organization. As a Cornerstone Volunteer, we depend on you to help struggling families. Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
Food Pantry
social media/outreach
and many other areas.
Contact us today for other volunteer opportunities.
Host a workplace or community food drive to benefit Cornerstone Family Resource Center. Cornerstone Family Resource Center's mission is strengthening lives through Faith, Family, Education and Employment. We accomplish our mission by supporting seniors, disabled veterans and struggling families with supplemental food delivered directly to their homes. By hosting a workplace food drive you can help ensure seniors, disabled veterans and struggling families have access to healthy food.
Hosting a workplace or community food drive is EASY! We'll provide flyers, bins and other materials to distribute to your co-workers or members. We will also pickup the products and share with your team the true impact of your donation. Email us at for more information.

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Cornerstone Family Resource Center an even better Non-Profit than it already is. As a sponsor, you support will help us:
provide access to healthy food through our food pantry
provide meaningful activities for at-risk youth.
provide employment assistance for adults with intellectual disabilities
Contact us today to see how you can help families in need!